
Thehypophysealportalsystemisasystemofbloodvesselsinthemicrocirculationatthebaseofthebrain,connectingthehypothalamuswiththeanterior ...,Thehypothalamic–hypophysialportalsystemistheconduitthatconnectsthebraintotheanteriorpituitary.Theportalsystemismadeupoftwocapillarybeds, ...,asystemofbloodvesselsthatconnectsthehypothalamusandtheanteriorpituitarygland.Thehypophysealportalsystemallowsforcommunic...

Hypophyseal portal system

The hypophyseal portal system is a system of blood vessels in the microcirculation at the base of the brain, connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior ...

Hypophyseal Portal System

The hypothalamic–hypophysial portal system is the conduit that connects the brain to the anterior pituitary. The portal system is made up of two capillary beds, ...

Hypophyseal portal system

a system of blood vessels that connects the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland. The hypophyseal portal system allows for communication between these ...

Hypophyseal Portal System

The hypophyseal portal system is a specialized network of blood vessels that connects the hypothalamus to the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

Hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal circulation

One system, the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal circulation, collects blood from capillaries originating in the hypothalamus and, through a plexus of veins ...

Pituitary gland

The hypophyseal portal system is a vascular system made of tiny blood vessels that connect the adenohypophysis to the hypothalamus. The capillaries and venules ...


由 GP Xuereb 著作 · 1954 · 被引用 140 次 — MATERIAL AND METHODS. The findings reported in this paper are based on a study of 281 pituitary bodies obtained at post-mortem from individuals of both sexes.


下視丘神經分泌細胞(neurosecretory cell)-->第一微血管網(primary capillary network )-->垂體門脈(hypophyseal portal vein)-->第二微血管網(secondary capillary ...